Monday, March 06, 2006

The Strike Of The Killing Ball!

The Strike Of The Killing Ball!

The mad Killing ball strikes again in the streets of New York.
Some would say thet there is no connection between the both sides. But there is.
Some would say thay the napkins are good for the service they were propose to.
Some would say that the rat died since the incident that took to heaven all the dishes in the kitchen.

In a light voice the Killing BALL broke all the fourth...
And sixty were left from the one undred.
Simple ways.

Dear anonymous
I'd heard to say that this blog doesn't have any casualties in any cases.
Neither the simplicity :)

I'd heard that your voice is shut up because everyday you shave.
It's hard to deal with the sweetness.
Better ways to........
You are not clever enought to guess.
But you're quite fast

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